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Bird's Love provides editing services for writers of children's picture books. It also offers online courses and writing strategies to help anyone who needs guidance and assistance in improving their writing skills and exploring their creativity in writing for children.


Starr Balmer-Chore is the founder of Bird’s Love, the author of the well-received children’s picture book, Scary, Scary Sasha, and an editor of children's picture books. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism, 15 years of editing and writing experience, and a love for writing and editing, she edits all types of picture book manuscripts and works closely with aspiring writers on helping them meet their writing goals. Furthermore, she has worked in the publishing, marketing, and media industries where she has written and edited news and feature stories, press releases, blogs, social media content, and marketing materials for various audiences.

As an author and picture book editor, Starr Balmer-Chore knows how fun (and challenging) it can be to write, edit, and independently publish a children's picture book. Therefore, she strives to share her expertise in the most important area of publishing: writing the story! It can be the hardest task to accomplish, and with a little guidance, skill, focus, and encouragement along the way, she believes anyone is capable of writing a children's picture book.


Whether you've been thinking about writing a picture book or are midway through the writing process, check out her writing tips and advice throughout this site and move a step closer toward your writing goals.

For more information, please contact Bird's Love at To view a snapshot of Starr's writing samples, click here.

Starr Balmer-Chore, founder of Bird's Love, editor, author of Scary, Scary Sasha

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